
Being a mother of a very active, nature-loving child who loves to climb anything structured, I fantasize about living in a French farmhouse surrounded by verdant fields and walnut trees, or Northern California with massive mountains. But we don’t. We live in the heart of New York City. So we go on active adventures here.

Our concrete Apple has a somewhat misplaced reputation its toxic attitude to people, and to children in particular. If it cannot be marketed or if it blocks the sidewalk, well…Have you been on the receiving end of a ‘get out the way’ as I struggled up the hill with a pushchair. Or pointedly asked for help as a crossing guard watched me struggle over a mound of snow with a stroller. And, yes, the unsolicited ‘advise’ which has ranged from ‘she should wear shorts over her underpants’ to ‘if you sue the subway system, I’ll testify against you.’ Ah, the sweet and dulcet sounds of New York life.

On the contrary, New York City is, mostly, very child-friendly. New Yorkers are generally very friendly, regularly give up their prized subway seat for my city kid on a crowded train, and happily smile and indulge children’s golden moments, particularly in awkward places. And, for an urban metropolis, there are tons and TONS of child-friendly everythings to do in this city; from getting into nature, to science, to history, to stories to restaurants, to  growing your own food, to swimming, to water-fun, to reading, to culture, to theatre (outside, no less) and to FUN. There is so much to choose from.

And, true to the New York Minute, not enough time to do it all.

I hope you will join us on our City Kid adventures.

I have created a private Facebook group for anyone who wants to join in the fun, has ideas to share and places to go. Please sign up on the right, and I’ll sort out an invite.

All the best, and happy adventuring!

New York City Adventures Sheri